Cleaner spray for internal gear hub internals?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 2, 2010
Sarfeast England
I'm going to have to do the lubrication of my Nexus 5 hub internals in the kitchen, which is obviously a bit of a domestic minefield. What's my best bet for cleaning off the existing grease and oil? I can do that outdoors, so something in a squirty can that I can spray on and work in with a paintbrush perhaps? Unfortunately whatever I use has to be obtainable from Amazon.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Post moved from Lubricants for Nexus hub gear service | Pedelecs - Electric Bike Community

Dunking the IGH in ATF is widely used as a cleaner that doesn't wash out all the good grease , agitation and the drip drying should leave any residues to sink to the bottom.
A cut down a 2ltr bottle is used for the drive to sit in end on, cover the drive with ATF and leave for a day or so with agitation , drip dry by resting the drive horizontally a cross the botlle by the axle.
Drip dry (in a loose sense ) may take a day, no need to wipe dry .
Refit into shell and add lubing oil quantity as required.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024

Dubious advice in my original post. The Nexus 5 is not like my old Sturmy Archer srf3. The nexus hub likely has internal brake and is not simple. Some of them are oil lubricated. Disregard the original comment below, which is now shrunken and in red. I leave it only as a record of what I originally said. Ignore it.

There are manuals online depending on the model number.

When I cleaned and re-greased one of my Sturmey Archer three speeds, I just used paraffin and an old toothbrush. You could use some diesel if that is more to hand. Just clean, rinse with clean paraffin and let it dry before re-greasing. It doesn't need anything fancy in my opinion. Just get out old grease and especially any swarfe, grit, or loose rust that might have got inside. You don't want them getting into bearings if you can help it.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
The use of petrol or any mineral type thinners will remove the white grease embedded in the workings of hard to get at bearings and gears etc ,etc , unless a complete dismantle /strip down is under taken.

For a simple unit removal and a basic clean and re oil /lube , then #2 is the only real solution with out washing out strategicly placed grease that is hard to replace.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
"Thanks to the critical role that sperm whale oil played in making automatic transmission fluids and gear oils, car transmissions routinely lasted for the life of vehicle. Once alternative ingredients had to be found, transmissions began failing at unheard-of rates. Before 1972, less than 1 million transmissions failed each year; without sperm whale oil, transmission failures exploded to more than 8 million by 1975."



Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 2, 2010
Sarfeast England
Thanks neath. ATF plus oil and grease now on order from Amazon.