Of course there is a lot of hype there as one might expect, though there are grains of truth.
These are clearly 26 volt systems and from judgement of the batteries and knowing the current technology, not very powerful, so continuing Powacycles preference for range over high power.
The new generation polymer batteries do give longer ranges as witness the Wisper 905se capability for 40 miles, and the claim of 25 miles is already normal on todays Powacycle LPX models, so no change there. The indication of 100 miles is an "in your dreams" bit of silliness, as even in the best conditions of flat running it's unlikely that these bikes could get near two thirds of that.
There will be some gain in hilly areas resulting from the reduced weight of these bikes, but as a percentage of the total weight of bike and riders it's very small, so the gain is correspondingly low.
The mountain bike will not have a very long range, since it's flat battery is clearly a side by side array of seven small flat cells with the electronics in the bulge, the capacity too small to break any records. As so often with small wheel folding bikes, the one they illustrate is too low geared, only high end folders like some from Dahon addressing this inherent disadvantage.
So in summary they are interesting and some advance on present models, but not so much the revolutionary leap indicated, more keeping pace with the best competition. Much depends on whether they keep to their present budget pricing policy.