Just been out for a ride this evening and on my return I put the 24V Nimh battery on charge and the red light just kept flashing rapidly. Usually it flashes fairly fast about 10 times and then there is a click and it stays on permanently until the battery is charged and it goes green.
I checked the output voltage at the socket that plugs into the battery and it reads 38.8 Volts! This is obviously not right. The battery charged just fine yesterday so it must have been ok then.
Obviously I will be contacting powacycle about it since it's only a couple of months old but does anyone have any ideas what the problem is?
Oh, the battery is just about flat at 23.6V.
I checked the output voltage at the socket that plugs into the battery and it reads 38.8 Volts! This is obviously not right. The battery charged just fine yesterday so it must have been ok then.
Obviously I will be contacting powacycle about it since it's only a couple of months old but does anyone have any ideas what the problem is?
Oh, the battery is just about flat at 23.6V.