Listing this for a friend.
The bike is 3 years old, the kit is around 12 months with barely any miles on it (hence sale).
Took it out today and done 10 miles (pictures are from today).
The charger is charger and power supply comes with the bike, so this makes it a complete bike ready to go.
It does need the gears tuned up, but everything else works as should.
£450 located in Kent.
The bike is 3 years old, the kit is around 12 months with barely any miles on it (hence sale).
Took it out today and done 10 miles (pictures are from today).
The charger is charger and power supply comes with the bike, so this makes it a complete bike ready to go.
It does need the gears tuned up, but everything else works as should.
£450 located in Kent.