In my early teens, I had a very yellow piece of waterproof material which covered all of me and most of my bike from rain. It was called, (get this!) a CYCLING CAPE
and very effective it was too as I'm sure some of you might recall.......ok, I know you didn't actually see me wearing it but you get my drift!
Additionally, I had a matching sou'wester so I was able to ride in the rain and the only things that needed drying afterwards were my socks and plimsolls. Policemen of that time also had the use of cycling capes if they had an issue bicycle being as they were more peripatetic back then than now....well, as far as I can see.
It's quite rare these days to spot a caped cyclist, probably because of the advances in textile technology over the years which have given us water-repellent or lightweight, waterproof materials which don't billow about in winds like the old capes did. Having said that, the cape in its time was very useful unlike the silly canopy affair, the subject of this thread.