Can I salvage 3 into 1? - Battery building...


Oct 6, 2011
I have been trying to read all the threads about battery salvaging and building on the forum, thanks to all who posted that info, it has been helpful in giving me the guts to open the 3 non-working batteries I have.

What I would like to do is salvage the 3 non-working batteries into a working 1 for my Alien Pulsar electric folder. It used to be working until this happened:

It seems to only be 1 ruptured cell, but those pouches are very difficult to separate to inspect in better detail.

I also have 2 of these:

Both of them don't want to be charged by the standard charger. One reads 33.8V, and the other 37.5V. The second one can run the motor for a few minutes, but then drops below 36V and doesn't want to charge on the charger again.

The individual cells are very varied. Some are below 3V, most between 3-4V, and a few over 4V.

I have a variable power supply, but I am hesitant to use it too long, as it seems to be getting very hot trying to charge individual cells or shorter strings (I disconnected all the wires and charged 8 cells in series at 32V - the maximum my power supply can push. I tried a few individual cells at 4V as well, they went up to 3.9ish and then stayed there while the power supply got very hot.

I haven't cut any of the tabs across the terminals for 2 reasons - I do not have a cutting tool that won't possibly short across terminals, and I am not confident that my plan to build one from scratch is going to work, so don't want to cut something that I cannot undo!

Any advice would be much appreciated... :confused:

Deleted member 4366

The one with the pouch cells can ne repaired if you can carefully separate the damaged one and find a replacement one. I think you'll be wasting your time with the other two.The cells in the ones that I looked at had deteriorated badly. Even though they could be charged back up to 4.2v, they had much reduced capacity.