I'm intending to build a battery using 18650 cells using a Vruzend kit, for my ongoing xiongda 2 speed build. I can buy one with the kit, but I'm having trouble getting a response from Vruzend at the moment.
I've located some BMS's from china, but by the time I've added postage, they come in around £25-£30 ish.
Ebay however, is full of BMS's for a lot less. Can anyone recomend a source of reliable balancing BMS's, preferably without the chinese shipping charges.
I've located some BMS's from china, but by the time I've added postage, they come in around £25-£30 ish.
Ebay however, is full of BMS's for a lot less. Can anyone recomend a source of reliable balancing BMS's, preferably without the chinese shipping charges.