Are you a crocodile ?I've been riding around tonight and making a tick tock noise while I'm waiting at lights; quite embarrassing
It uses the resistance of the tungsten filaments of the bulbs in its timer circuit, so won't work with an LED system. For that you'd need one that had an entirely independent flash frequency timer, but I don't know of one you can buy. Some newer cars will have them incorporated.I'm looking at a beeper relay to wire into the circuit.
The ones I've found online states it's for tungsten bulbs and NOT LED like I have.
Do you have any ideas why i couldn't use this one ?
That won't work. Like the other one above, it's a flasher relay. SurRonny has flashing LEDs.12V 2-Pin LED Flasher Relay, Adjustable Indicator Relay, Turn Signal Indicator Blinker Relay for Motorcycle Motorbike Scooter : Automotive
12V 2-Pin LED Flasher Relay, Adjustable Indicator Relay, Turn Signal Indicator Blinker Relay for Motorcycle Motorbike Scooter :
Would these adapters do the job?That won't work. Like the other one above, it's a flasher relay. SurRonny has flashing LEDs.