Bosch lighting output – simplistic voltage question


Finding my (electric) wheels
Oct 10, 2007
Nantwich, Cheshire
I am considering putting a second, powerful, front lamp on my Bosch powered Cube Touring Hybrid SL, which currently has an (albeit fairly good) Hermanns H-Black MR8, 6-12V, DC lamp fitted. I read on other threads that the output voltage for the lighting circuit should be 6 V, but my multimeter is reading 14.62V??? Is there an obvious electronic reason for this? Can I just try adding another lamp in parallel or do I risk blowing any sort of fuse that might be in the system? Will a modern LED lamp designed for dynamo systems work or is there a DC/AC issue? Many thanks for help to someone how understands a bit, but not very much, electronic theory!
Phil, Nantwich, Cheshire.
