so on building a battery put the BMS board in and it didnt work. output vault age was wrong and it wouldnt charge. changed the board and straight away no proble.
double checked the wiring diagrams on the board that didnt work and it didnt add up. contacted the seller and ended up more baffeled.
so ive added to pics one of the board and one of the wiring thats given.
B- to battery neg
P- the load out
C- to charger out
doesnt work
also heres the message i got
Sorry that was the wrong photo, I will remove it
Follow this diagram below, (manufacturers diagram)
B- to battery negative
Charging adapter: + connected to battery positive, - to c-
My recommendation for the load is to bypass this stage, so leave p- unconnected and wire motor controller direct to the battery
Sorry for the confusion
double checked the wiring diagrams on the board that didnt work and it didnt add up. contacted the seller and ended up more baffeled.
so ive added to pics one of the board and one of the wiring thats given.
B- to battery neg
P- the load out
C- to charger out
doesnt work
also heres the message i got
Sorry that was the wrong photo, I will remove it
Follow this diagram below, (manufacturers diagram)
B- to battery negative
Charging adapter: + connected to battery positive, - to c-
My recommendation for the load is to bypass this stage, so leave p- unconnected and wire motor controller direct to the battery
Sorry for the confusion
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