Just an update. Have been having another go at it today and, by chance, noticed that the hall sensor check via the green, yellow & blue wires will only work when rotating the wheel backwards. I can confirm that all sensors record a voltage of around 4.5 volts dropping to zero. Nothing registers on the muli-meter when rotating the wheel forwards.
I have no idea know if this is correct, or not, but comments would be really useful. I was thinking that perhaps the controller is reversed somehow, so thought I try reversing it, as per numerous posts, but nothing seems to work.
I have had another crazy thought. What about if the new battery has come with the power wires swapped the wrong way? i.e Red to Black and Black to Red. I have obviously connected the wiring positive to positive and negative to negative, as I'm sure anyone else would do? Would this cause the problem do you think or just 'blow' the controller?
Am tempted to swap them over to see what happens? Got nothing to loose I suppose? I have already left the damn thing out for the scrap man on one occasion.!!