all you can do is your bit. though a bit more than changing to low energy lightbulbs and turning off the tap while you brush your teeth... so much green advice is innane. kyoto wont work but nor will any other plan. we are just too motivated for our own ends to follow somebody elses plan. but back to our bit. reduce consumption rather than recycle. use cars less and bicycles more even in the rain and cold, eat less meat or stop eating it altogether, be careful with water consumption, etc etc
sounds pretty innance too actually. i would go along with the doomsday scenarios of science fiction. dennis potters version will do. the terrorists were called rons (reality or nothing) . i think the ruling elite will continue to advance technology wise and eventually earth will be the inferior place and the elite will look to space travel.
I agree Joe
I guess we can all only do our bit whilst the government in our Country achieve the desired results which will take much time indeed I feel. However we are not all going to do this as are used to a certain standard of life.
I thing the future earthlings will take off through the "Star Gate" ok, a bit far fetched,
However, I get annoyed at the latest bin emptying regime where the councils in some parts of the Country do not take household waste away for two weeks

They alternate this with recycle rubbish which is fine but the aforementioned may cause a rat problem and a bad smell especially in high summer when we get one? I haven't a problem with this myself but I am not under the experiment so to speak.
I am keen on recycling and do so and have no problem with my bin collection.
However, some of you guys/girls on here may remember the small metal bin that the dear old dustman carried on their backs and emptied for us in years gone by and we gave a much deserved Xmas bonus to and mine was often not full even after bringing up two children.
So where has all the extra rubbish come from? Packaging I guess and I guess the supermarkets are trying to cut down due to current climate changes including carrier bags. However, considering our bins are somewhat larger now on wheels why all this extra waste?
Exess use of polystyrene and polythene with consumer goods. Not many people having compost heaps

or just little regard for recycling? Even if a large percentage of the population switched to bikes it would not combat our waste that is burnt and sent into the atmosphere or buried in landfill sites.
What does make me cross is the so called water shortage every year with the torrential rain we have in this so called global warming climate that we have in the UK? After last summer? Mmmmm. They should build more resevoirs to accomodate the extra housing and not rely on existing one's and repair those underground leaking pipes. I actually am questioning global warning and have read interesting articles on the internet by scientists to substantuate there own particular theories which do not include Global Warming.