Battery recharge time increased

Hi all , well the bike is going well , i now use it every single work day .
i have noticed that when the batterys were new they took about 2.5 hours to recharge them , but now they are taking a lot longer about 4 hours .
Do you think my batterys are starting to fail ( batterys are about 2 months old ) or could it be a problem with the charger .
Any advice would be great .
Thanks Wizard

Ps Flecc , just a quick update on my rear derailleur ( the one where the chain was jumping over the top gear ) , i now have a Altus derailleur , the difference is amazing shifting is crisp and no jumping at all , it wraps the chain further around the gear much better than the Mega-range derailleur. Thought i'd sorted it last time , but a few days later it started again .


Oct 25, 2006
That's good news about the Altus, I had a feeling that things weren't entirely sorted after looking at the photos last time. I know from experience on my bikes how tricky the megarange cassette rear mechanisms can be to set up exactly right.

Your charge time is slightly puzzling, but may be due to an increase in cell resistance. This grows over the lifetime of the battery, though this step does seem quite sudden. Alternatively it could be a variation in a charger component that's cropped up, so i wouldn't worry about it yet as long as the charger and battery continue to do the job.