Battery pack, those screws


Jun 14, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Perhaps it is a warning to just buy a new pack from Giant.

Those tiny deeply inset screws. Score: one screw out, one driven right into the case somewhere, and one just keeps turning. 3 or 4 left I think.

Any suggestions?

I know I could just probably cut through the sides near the screws with a small rotary tool, but I'm trying to avoid that.


May 22, 2008
Isn't that annoying Prstate, if that happend in metal you could have used an extractor. In the past I have used the following procedure successfully;-

1. Clean off the screw head and screwdriver with a cotton bud and Isopropol Alcohol, or your wifes London Dry :)
2. Line the recess hole with a tube of cooking foil.
3. Place some fast curing (90 secs) epoxy resin onto the screwdriver bit.
4. Locate the screwdriver into the recessed screw head and support upright in position.

I have used this method before and it has worked. Good luck

Regards Terry


Jun 14, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Well, I'm happy to report, I got it apart (thanks!) and now that I've had a chance to look at the insides, it's not as intimidating as I imagined. (also much help from Fleccs recell page in that department).

I noticed that my non- funciting battery meter has a white wire next to it, that seems not attached to anything, so maybe that's a clue to the problem. I'm not too interested in trying to solder anything to a micro circuit board, so I might just go without again, if I have too.


Oct 25, 2006
I'm not too interested in trying to solder anything to a micro circuit board, so I might just go without again, if I have too.
I've never used battery meters since I'm so aware of how inaccurate they generally are. The ones incorporated in batteries are a little better for accuracy, but since they cannot be seen when riding they're still fairly useless in practical terms. They are also hopelessly non-linear, each space between LEDs being very different mileages, sometimes with a 2 to 1 difference.

Once used to how far a bike travels on a charge, I just press the button to zero the trip recorder on the speedo at each charge and use mileage to know to know how far to go.