Hi. When it reached about 14 months old my Giant Suede started only doing about half the mileage it used to on one charge. Now I can't get the battery to charge at all. The charger is supposed to go into standby mode for a few seconds and then when it gets the message that all is well it should start charging. Mine just stays in standby. The manual suggests a blown fuse in the battery but this has been checked and is OK. Can't find any loose wires etc.
I'm wondering if anyone with more knowledge than me can suggest whether I should be going for a replacement battery or charger. I tend to suspect the battery - and if I guess wrong at least there would be some sense in having two batteries - but I would be gratefull for any (polite!) suggestions.
I'm wondering if anyone with more knowledge than me can suggest whether I should be going for a replacement battery or charger. I tend to suspect the battery - and if I guess wrong at least there would be some sense in having two batteries - but I would be gratefull for any (polite!) suggestions.