battery life, charges do you keep records ?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
people talk about how "my battery is going downhill" or "its not as powerful as when i first bought it" or its still giving good service" battery warranty and if they do all it "says on the tin2 is such an important thing right now, do we keep records or how many charges or do we just guess ?....having just got a new Quando from the word GO, i have kept a record of how many full charges and how many partial charges i give it,so should i feel that its not doing what"it says on the tin" anymore, befor i get on my high horse i can work out if i should be or not, just wondered do others do the same or similar ???


Oct 25, 2006
I did this for the Lafree Twist batteries that I first started with, using a double sided card for the batteries, sides marked "A" and "B" to distinguish the batteries and ensure rotation. Since they were NiMh and therefore full or nearly full charges, I only recorded each one as date and mileage, the entry boxes in prenumbered columns.

I started to do it with the two early Li-ion batteries on the Torq, but scrapped the card when I found that the back of a postage stamp would have been big enough. :rolleyes:

Since then I've just charged and used them, the last Li-ion in the Q bike to eventual termination, and the NiMh trio since then without bothering with records. Que sera, sera.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
I can keep pretty a pretty accurate record as I really only use the Torq for commuting to and from work. Generally at the weekend I have the family in tow and we cannot all fit on bikes electric or otherwise (yet). For example I was able to count the number of shifts I used the last battery for and bingo it worked out to be no more than 130 cycles. So far the new battery has been pretty good and shown no sign of cutting out at all - I am not holding my breath though.