Battery Advice


Aug 6, 2007
I bought a Forza back in September and now after hardly any use ...i am a fair weather cyclist ... the battery is playing up.It cuts out whenever i go up hills which back in September it would easily make it cutting out 5 to 6 times i my short 5 mile journey.
When i bought the bike i remember reading on the forums how wonderful the 'new' range of bikes where (Forza/Forte) , now should i try and get a replacement battery which i guess is going to cost me another £300 or should i scrap the bike.
The reason i went for the Forza was due to me needing to get up some quite steep hills...any help appreciated.


Oct 25, 2006
The old batteries were very troublesome, but there has been improvement.

However, eZee are in the process of changing their importer and some new batteries will be supplied then, which is intended to be in May. If you can wait until then, if necessary laying up the bike meanwhile, that would be best.

If you want to buy a new battery straight away, you can get one direct from eZeebike in China by emailing them. They will advise the price which will be much lower, but a customs duty bill will also be sent to you which will bring it nearer to the UK price. Here's the email address:


Aug 6, 2007
Thanks Flecc i remember you saying before to wait but didn't know just how long ...if its only a month thats fine...i havent used the bike since Feb as it got too frustrating stopping and starting all the time...and who know perhaps the sun will come out in May and my ride will be all the more pleasant !!

Any idea who in the UK will be selling them so i can keep my eyes peeled ?


Oct 25, 2006
It's a company called Cyclepoint Limited.

There should be an announcement once they are up and running. I can't guarantee May though. There's a delivery of supplies intended which will arrive between early and mid May, but the exact takeover date may depend on negotiations between eZee, 50cycles and Cyclepoint.