I have two 36 v batteries 10.1 ah. Is it safe to use them in parallel on my e bike to increase capacity of battries. And can i charge them togather with one charger? 2 batteries as in pic
.. both dvh8 and myself are saying the same thing, but it might not be particularly useful to you unless you have access to a multimeter and know how to use it. .. The following process will work and you don't need to be technically competent to use it.
.. get a torch bulb and two leads ... even a A 1.5 v flashlamp bulb is suitable. Maplin have suitable bulb holders for these or Halfords have 6v and 12v wired holders
connect this bulb between the positive terminals of both batteries
. Then connect a single lead between the negatives of both batteries.
If the batteries are initially at different voltages, which inevitably they will be, current will flow through the the lamp and it will glow, eventually when and as the voltages stabilise, the lamp will glow less and less bright , go towards red and eventually extinguish. A lower voltage bulb is more sensitive toa minor voltage difference .
When there is no visible light Then both batteries can be joined together safely.
and charged and discharged in parallel indefinitely.
The battery management system of the lowest overall voltage battery will determine the overall peak voltage attained, but this is only going to be fractions of a volt.
This use of a bulb is an old electrical power engineering trick.