Hi. I have a Batavus ebike with their controller and led display with 5 levels.
The display only have level indicator and battery indicator and a power button.
I'm not happy with the display quality (the power button breaks and the display stops working) and would like to use an aftermarket part instead.
I found this cheap 3 level display but I wonder if it will fit?
I also found this 5 level one and wonder if that would be easier/better to fit?
https://www.wish.com/search/ebike display 5 level assist/product/5d3d61d71044ef3ebbbde96b?source=search&position=76&share=web
Or this one with a 4in1 bus cable?
https://www.wish.com/search/ebike display 5 level assist/product/5e4662620f1bf54fd7036150?source=search&position=81&share=web
Is there a standard/guide somewhere about this TX RX cables and the bus and how they work?
I can post the wires and connections in the bike if neccessary.
The display only have level indicator and battery indicator and a power button.
I'm not happy with the display quality (the power button breaks and the display stops working) and would like to use an aftermarket part instead.
I found this cheap 3 level display but I wonder if it will fit?
LED Display 24V 36V 48V Electric Bicycle KT LED LED 880 E-Bike Control Panel Display Electric Bike Parts for Controller | Wish
Buy LED Display 24V 36V 48V Electric Bicycle KT LED LED 880 E-Bike Control Panel Display Electric Bike Parts for Controller at Wish - Shopping Made Fun
https://www.wish.com/search/ebike display 5 level assist/product/5d3d61d71044ef3ebbbde96b?source=search&position=76&share=web
Or this one with a 4in1 bus cable?
https://www.wish.com/search/ebike display 5 level assist/product/5e4662620f1bf54fd7036150?source=search&position=81&share=web
Is there a standard/guide somewhere about this TX RX cables and the bus and how they work?
I can post the wires and connections in the bike if neccessary.