Back again


Jan 31, 2008
High in the Northern Pennines
Not really a newcomer to pedelecs. Have been a member for a few years but what with one thing and another went AWOL so to speak. So I'm back and delighted to report that despite my now 80 years am still happily getting about on my Gazelle Easy Glider. :it revolutionised my cycling when I bought it from Cycle Heaven in York and continues to do so both here in Teesdale where we have real hills all of which I can ride, and in Extremadura where I spend my summers. There the hills are more of the undulating kind but the weather is consistently cycle friendly which it ain't always at home here.
Delighted to see that Flecc is still providing advice to a high level. He was an enormous help to me in my newbie days.
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Sep 13, 2009
Herts & Spain
So I'm back and delighted to report that despite my now 80 years am still happily getting about on my Gazelle Easy Glider.
Respect David from a fellow Easy Glider owner! You must be pretty fit as the Gazelle hasn't got the grunt of some more modern machinery. That said, it's still a beautiful ride in any weather. The Dutch know a thing or two about bike building!
