Awkward Moment

What do you do when passing pedelers (non ebikers)?

  • Cycle past pretending you haven't seen them

    Votes: 21 65.6%
  • Aplogize

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Screw your face up and pretend that you're really trying hard.

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Compliment them on their thighs.

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Make them feel better by telling them that you only have two weeks left to live.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Point and laugh (while praying your battery doesn't run out)

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Avoid the awkward moment completely by pulling over by the road.

    Votes: 1 3.1%

  • Total voters


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 17, 2008
It happens a lot so I tend to just ignore them the same as I would overtaking them on the flat. It's much more interesting when I'm following someone and they are offended that someone is catching up so put in every effort to stay ahead, I like to sit behind them for a while because they are usually spent by the time they get to the top. That's when I sail past all fresh and they don't even have the energy to chase me on the flat. :)
I think of myself as providing a free personal trainer service.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 18, 2008
The cyclists are too fit and the hills aren't steep enough round these parts :( .


Jun 16, 2008
It happens a lot so I tend to just ignore them the same as I would overtaking them on the flat. It's much more interesting when I'm following someone and they are offended that someone is catching up so put in every effort to stay ahead, I like to sit behind them for a while because they are usually spent by the time they get to the top. That's when I sail past all fresh and they don't even have the energy to chase me on the flat. :)
I think of myself as providing a free personal trainer service.

That has just got to be the Quote of the Week! :)


Oct 25, 2006
None of those really. If it's someone I haven't met before, as I draw alongside I say with a smile, "Don't worry, it's electric".

There's usually a friendly response like "Wish this was" or "I don't blame you".

Half an hour ago coming out of the supermarket, a lady parking her bike looked at my Q bike and asked where I'd come from, when I told her she responded, "I don't blame you with those hills".

Increasingly I find the reaction to my e-bikes is friendly in my area, perhaps because it's hilly, and the only shout of "cheating" I've heard in the last year or so was from a couple of local kids waiting at a bus stop! Apparently riding in a bus isn't cheating. :rolleyes:


Apr 12, 2008
New York, New York
If I like their looks, I'll sometimes say, "It's electric."

If I'm not enamored of their vibe. I'll pretend to be enjoying the scenery, lazily looking from side to side. Or, if I'm really feeling vicious, I'll pretend to be studying my fingernails.

Sick, huh? LOL


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 18, 2006
I normally wizz by with a big grin:D i know its a bit sad but it has to be done:) nigel.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 18, 2008
I normally wizz by with a big grin:D i know its a bit sad but it has to be done:) nigel.
No it's not sad. Actually it is. Grow up man!!

I'd like to cycle past smoking a pipe with a big grin :D :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 18, 2008
Yes, complete with tweeds, smoking a pipe and a big stupid grin. Saying good day young man, nice thighs you have there.


Oct 31, 2008
I normally keep my head straight ahead but look at them out of the corner of one eye, I like to see them look at me in astonishment that I am overtaking them, not pedalling at all or pedalling backwards. Must be the sadist in me. Don't get so much of a reaction these days with the quiet Wisper but did when I had the noisier Powabyke Commuter.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 16, 2008
Yes, complete with tweeds, smoking a pipe and a big stupid grin. Saying good day young man, nice thighs you have there.
I think a nice big fake walrus style moustache (white, for added impact) would be a must in this situation. :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 9, 2007
It don't meet lycras or even tourers very often - either a low population density round here or not many cyclists. When I do, I tend to draw alongside, take a moment to say something and look at each other's bikes and then pull away. There's no point being enemies when there's so few of us.

What I meet more often is a parent with a one or more kids on a quiet country road. The speed difference is then enormous, so as long as there is room, I will go past them flat out, with a nice big wave and a cheery hello.
