I've had a google out of curiosity but there is very little information about this hub motor out there, no pinouts, no information on who manufactured it, no details on what sort of controller. There is some information regarding the battery pack being engineered by Williams in the UK but no technical details. Also Williams might have been involved in improving the hub motor design but they aren't a manufacturer of hub motors.
Does anyone know who manufactured the hub motor or recognise the manufacturing style. I'm assuming Brompton have gone to a hub manufacturer and had something built for them to their specification but who. It looks from the side that it could be a HiGo L10 connector from the hub motor but I'm only guessing. Now that I look at the image below only similar from the side the pin configuration looks different.
Has anyone ever used the hub motor with a different controller? I've done some googling but very little information is coming back except a very basic spec and a bit of history of the ebike development. It gets confusing though as there are so many third party Brompton ebike solutions and they keep coming back as responses rather than Brompton's own ebike.
I can't imagine Brompton developed the hub motor without assistance from another manufacturer, it feels like they would have customised a hub motor with some improved components.
They seem to have managed to keep a lot of technical details out of mainstream media.
Does anyone know who manufactured the hub motor or recognise the manufacturing style. I'm assuming Brompton have gone to a hub manufacturer and had something built for them to their specification but who. It looks from the side that it could be a HiGo L10 connector from the hub motor but I'm only guessing. Now that I look at the image below only similar from the side the pin configuration looks different.
Has anyone ever used the hub motor with a different controller? I've done some googling but very little information is coming back except a very basic spec and a bit of history of the ebike development. It gets confusing though as there are so many third party Brompton ebike solutions and they keep coming back as responses rather than Brompton's own ebike.
I can't imagine Brompton developed the hub motor without assistance from another manufacturer, it feels like they would have customised a hub motor with some improved components.
They seem to have managed to keep a lot of technical details out of mainstream media.