Anti-sieze Compound - a note to new all bike owners


Feb 2, 2008

a note of caution to all new bike owners, erm, based on bitter experience.

if you dont want to be stood in your garage two years from now having stripped you bike to seat post and frame, with the end of the seat post jammed in a vice while you swing on the frame... all just to adjust the seat post.

or be stood in that same garage appying a blow torch to your cranks and pedals all just to remove the pedals...

then take note, use some of this gunk:

Park Tool Anti-Seize Compound - Lubricants - 8.99 GBP - Free P & P to UK & Ireland, Cheap International Rates. Next day delivery from Europes Largest Online Bikeshop.

or even some engine / 3-in-1 oil is better than nothing.

my pro connect arrived with a "dry" seat post and pedals...
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May 12, 2008
Hi Tom
I expect there will be comments by others, but I have used waxol on my bikes and motorhome for the last 15 can spray on...The motor home is 20 years old, yet when I had to change the ball joints on the torsion bars last year they un did with a normal spanner(not impact) similarly my off road bike looks (and is a wreck) but all the nuts,and adjustments move easily. You can get an aerosol can at halfords about £5 (dont get the black) G,,,,, I am not an employee of Waxol, OR Halfords and have never been contacted by them to advertize their products.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
0 G,,,,, I am not an employee of Waxol, OR Halfords and have never been contacted by them to advertize their products.

:) ........thanks oldosc...i was feeling not over happy this morning and needed a snigger...i think you may have opened a can of may become known as the "oldosc law"


May 12, 2008

:) ........thanks oldosc...i was feeling not over happy this morning and needed a snigger...i think you may have opened a can of may become known as the "oldosc law"

Today was a lovely day, Lady Jenny and I set out to cycle to Looe for the Fish Fair. The hills here are a 'bit steep' so I was prepared for wait for J...(She rides a new Silverado, and is a bit wimp..I Ride a Agattu, and am an Ace. )
At the top of the two mile long Looe Hill, she asked me if I was she had waited two minuts for me and was getting worried. I said I had gone back at the bottom to make sure she took the right road (lie)..We got to Looe, bought a litre of Cyder, and two pasties (from the Bakehouse (no comission). We ate, drank, had a doze started Home.
I had had a little trouble with the back tyre of the Agattu with the woods valve ..but had bought the adaptor, and pumped it to 68 before starting..on the way back the tyre went v soggy...tried to use a garage pump (bl**dy 20p) no use, use the aggatu pump, not much improvement. sod it looks like a bit of rain go on...arrived at Seaton(back down the 2 mile hill)stopped for tea...tyre deflated...pump useless...took out valve to try to change the little rubber(I actually carried some) IT IS NOT A is a VILLHEIM..I will post a pic if any one gets this far...Cleared the blockage...HO HO...tyre will not inflate...removed back wheel ( on the beach) tube knackered due to riding underinflated (do not do this at home)...fitted spare tube ( with schrader valve..I always carry a spare even if it was only 26".... rubber streaches..but the Agattu pump only inflates Vilheim valves. Hitch hike 5 miles to home bring back car..J's bike is a folder she can drive home then I can use the superiority of the Agattu to cycle behind....inflate
tyre.....cannot remember how to put the shimato 7 speed back together....getting cold...drink rest of cyder...wind blows sand all over bike...put into back of car...small room for me or other bike....Lady J drives..I use Silverado to follow...just up first hill Silverado cuts out...I AM SO PLEASED ...this proves my bike is best. Park Silverado behind home help wounded Agattu from car, drive back pick up Silverado (wimp bike only 18 miles)((j Drives )..back home duck soup, watch Dr Who, and so to bed(apoligises Pepyes((if you dont acknowledge references these days you can be struck off the forums for unproffesional conduct, or bringing the Pedellac into disrepute))
PS the difference between a Williams and a Vlleheim, seems to be there is no rubber is a tube ,inside is a free floating plastic way of repairing it just replace.....ho bloody this 50 cycles.


Oct 25, 2006
The joys of e-biking lucidly explained, thanks oldosc. :rolleyes:

As I've posted a few times in here, if it hasn't got Schraeder valves when I buy a new bike, it has before I start riding it. Woods, Vilheim, Presta etc are mostly rubbish in my view, though the Woods will work if the correct pumps and screw on adapter hoses are used. The skinny rim race boys stick to the Presta of course, but I've often found them unreliable, so I drill the rims out for Schraeders, buying low loss tubes at the same time.