alternative to a dynamo?


Oct 25, 2006
Yes, some members adopted them, JohninStockie was one who fitted them and reported on how they worked. Here's the link to his post:



Finding my (electric) wheels
Dec 22, 2007
I put some these on my old bike. They were ok but (a) you have get distance just right between fixed and moving part - ie easily put out of line if you park in bike rack etc (b) as it works via magnets not sure how efficient was in terms of eaxtra resistance it creates vs power of lights.
So for me normal dynamo is better + new led battery lights are so good powerful difficult to beat. Hope this helps.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 29, 2008
Nottingham, UK
I've been using them for years, they are a brilliant idea and really are quite bright. They use no discernible energy and really are fit and forget. They work fine in heavy rain too and seem to last forever.

I wouldn't recommend using them as your only lights, although you can do so and be legal after dark. I use them in conjunction with Bycignals (great lights with turn indicators but rubbish mounts) and Pedalite pedals which I would also highly recommend for the same reasons plus they give you side visibility. After dark you need all the help you can get to be seen by drivers.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 19, 2007
I put them on my wife's Powacycle. They are good as secondary lights and they're 'always on' which is an advantage, making you that bit more visible on dull days when you might not put your normal lights on.

I had to bend the bracket to fit on the motor wheel but it wasn't too hard to do.