You're only allowed a short period of time to leave a review on AliExpress or Ebay after your purchase, so if previous customers experienced issues, it's less likely you'll ever know... and that's why I bought my cheap battery on Amazon marketplace, which allows reviews long after purchase, also allows edits of those reviews long after that - I'm still adding to a review for something I bought over three years ago. Plus the price quoted for stuff from China sold on Amazon marketplace, has always been the price paid. Unsure how refunds for items bought on Amazon Marketplace go, all my purchases have been ok, so I've never had any need to demand one. Can't recall anyone on these forums reporting horrible problems with a cheap AliExpress battery, apart from billyboya, and he was using his on a Emoped drawing high amperage. Everyone else drawing 7 to 15A seem to have been fine, but I've only been stalking this forum for about three years.
That said, I'll attempt to buy my next battery from someone who claims to be in the UK.