a "go faster" gadget?


May 6, 2007
I noticed an advert a few months a go, showing a gadget that mounted just above the back wheel, as it wasn't electric, I guess it just relied on the momentum of the back wheel going round, but apparently it makes the bike go faster? Does anyone know what it is...would love to try one. thanks


Oct 25, 2006
I don't know, but as with perpetual motion machines, something from nothing is impossible. If it takes power from the rear wheel momentum, it can only put that power back, less whatever the device's inefficiency is, so ending up worse off.

One possibility is that it uses downhill kinetic energy to wind a spring, something that's been tried many times, the spring then used either for hill climbing or greater speed. The catch is that taking the power out in the first place slowed the bike, so the gain can only less than balance the loss.


May 6, 2007
thankyou flecc, it looked like the thing currie used, but with no electric power, maybe it has bearing in it, and builds up speed to push the back wheel round faster, it touches the tyre, to do this of course...I want to power up my trek multitrack, but a bit nervous about the diy with an electric kit, not unless someone lives in east sussex and I would happily pay someone to fit one on??offers very welcome thanks


Oct 25, 2006
It could also be a flywheel to do the same thing as a spring, but in any event, such devices will never be a useful way of powering a bike, motors being the only practical way.

eZee do a kit version for their motors and the importer is about to open their new Brighton showroom HQ which may not be far from you. You could inquire whether they are prepared to provide a fitting service:

Cyclepoint - eZee electric bikes and kits


Oct 25, 2006
Since kits like the eZee and Heinzmann ones are expensive and the fitting would increase the price further, it might be worth considering the Cytronex as you are already a Trek owner and obviously like the bike.

The Cytronex is a Trek model with the Nano motor system very neatly integrated and it's very much like a normal bike, only weighing 17 kilos in all, the lightest e-bike in the world. It's £995 is cheaper than a Heinzman kit fitted and no dearer than the eZee one once fitted, and you could offset the price by selling your existing bike.

I'd recommend you try the Cytronex before buying, but they are not a million miles away at Winchester so that may be possible. Hit your mute button before clicking the link if you want to safeguard your ears!
