Gearing up(ho) for the imminent delivery ( he says!) of the Agattu. Just realised that I have lost or lent out all my repair and maintenance tools. Could anyone recommend a high quality inexpensive kit?
Thanks Flecc. Those should keep me going..Heres a neat Topeak set of the specials excluding spanners:
And a decent set of low cost spanners:
Those should look after everything you need at minimal expense.
Heres a neat Topeak set of the specials excluding spanners:
excuse my obvious ignorance but whats the gadget on the left hand side of the word "topeak" that looks like the letter !e" do ?![]()
Mending "e" bikes!excuse my obvious ignorance but whats the gadget on the left hand side of the word "topeak" that looks like the letter !e" do ?![]()