Morning Folks,
I have a 12 FET Infineon controller that is new out of the box. I hooked it up to a Crystalyte HS3540 at the weekend. There was an issue in that the motor would only run for a moment, then cut out. If I released the throttle I could do the same again.
I am using 20s pack so the voltage was around 76 volts. To conduct the tests below I used a test pack at 38 volts.
I connect the motor to an e-bike tester. The halls and phase of the motor appear to be ok.
I then checked the throttle. This also appears to check out ok.
I finally connected the motor controller. There is no 5v light showing on the tester and the controller output test shows nothing. I checked the Mosfets using the Grin Tech method. Everything is ok.
Has anybody else seen this problem and does anybody have an idea as to what it might be? I’m out of ideas at the moment.
I have a 12 FET Infineon controller that is new out of the box. I hooked it up to a Crystalyte HS3540 at the weekend. There was an issue in that the motor would only run for a moment, then cut out. If I released the throttle I could do the same again.
I am using 20s pack so the voltage was around 76 volts. To conduct the tests below I used a test pack at 38 volts.
I connect the motor to an e-bike tester. The halls and phase of the motor appear to be ok.
I then checked the throttle. This also appears to check out ok.
I finally connected the motor controller. There is no 5v light showing on the tester and the controller output test shows nothing. I checked the Mosfets using the Grin Tech method. Everything is ok.
Has anybody else seen this problem and does anybody have an idea as to what it might be? I’m out of ideas at the moment.