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  1. R

    Byke Bins

    Thanks Mark for making this point. It has to be the case that the user of the Bykebin must provide their own padlock, or else, as you point out, someone could keep or copy a key and then come back at a later stage.
  2. R

    Byke Bins

    Thanks Flecc - you're right about it being out-of-sight and therefore better protected. As the former bike thief in The Guardian article says, thieves know the good bikes to go for - so locked away and out-of-sight is about as good as it gets! R
  3. R

    Byke Bins

    Bykebins - councils and employers I know this is an old post but I have a bit of an issue with councils and employers not providing Bykebins. The government's bike scheme is great and other initiatives to get more people to cycle to work are fine, but who wants to hook up a £500 plus bike to a...