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  1. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    Brilliant thank you so much will check tommorow morning
  2. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    San eagle would you be able to tell em what else to check for before buying these new controllers and then it still don't work like how to check if the throttle works and the motor for instance while I've still got this multimeter I've borrowed
  3. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    The defective one is the smaller one with less wires which I think is for the front wheel. The other controller with all the extra wires is for the rear wheel from what I've read but I tried plugging that in and trying it but no response from throttle or anything which has left me puzzled
  4. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    Red probe along track at top circled in red with black probe on red , green , and blue separately It says between 7.62k and 7.71k through the 3 wires at separate tests Red probe to lower track circled in blue I get 0.L on all three tests
  5. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    It's the lower one in photo 51 am I testing the wrong track ? Il check the top now to confirm
  6. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    I've just placed PCB on some paper and tested making sure my fingers weren't touching and now getting 0.L
  7. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    Don't quote me on this but I read on a few various sites online that if it's showing less than 8k then it's damaged is this correct ?
  8. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    My fingers could of been touching yes, very fiddly to do haha. Il put it on a worktop surface when home and do it again and also what you asked me to do and will take photos to be sure.
  9. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    Theese are the result I got with the units on the controller 1. Red probe to red battery and black to blue it came up as 9.24 m To yellow was 9.28m Green was 9.33m Red probe to black on battery connector Blue 7.62k Yellow 7.71k Green 7.64 k Controller 2 has 7.62k on all 6 tests
  10. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    The controllers were from the manufacturers website for This model and looks identical so I'd hope so. Okay sorry I'm a plumber I'm totally rubbish with electrics haha water and electrics don't go well together. When I watched a video earlier on the MOSFETs it stated what was what but I have...
  11. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    I tested along various points of the part circled I'm not sure if that was correct or not
  12. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    The lower track starts off at at 13.5 far left the middle of track and ends up to 25.7 far end. If I was just to buy the replacement controllers as this is getting abit technical for me and I don't really know what I'm doing haha, would it just be a case of plug and play and it be back to...
  13. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    Sorry to sound stupid when you say track so you mean the pins on each MOSFET or do you mean the long silver bar of solder ?
  14. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    Now while checking again is constantly dropping right down again ? New controllers needed ?
  15. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    Now I have 5.2 ohms on all 3 colours with red probe on red wire, yesterday I couldn't get a reading atall, very strange
  16. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    Just checked it again and where as yesterday I was getting no signal from red prope to red battery wire whatsoever, it seems to be climbing was on 2.0 earlier now Its creeped up to like 3.8 , I'm finding this very strange
  17. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    Very strange I took the controller casing off and checked the MOSFETs which all were consistent and then suddenly now I'm getting a signal when using the red probe on the red power lead I'm getting like 2. 0hms now where as yesterday it wouldn't even register on the red power wire ? Awfully strange
  18. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    I can't physically see anything wrong with this pcb
  19. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    Okay thank you so much for all your help, il open the controller up tomorrow and see if anything stands out and il upload photos and see if you can get me back on my quest to having a working bike
  20. H

    Gogo best gf700 strangely shut down

    If I was to just replace the both controllers , it's £100 delivered for the pair. Would it just be plug and play so just connect the new ones and away we go or isit more to it ?