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  1. TXe-CyclingJon

    Help! Swytch Air (gen3) intermittent running, help request

    So, further on down the testing road... Had a new wheel built from TopBikeKit. Now it is working just fine. Thank you @Peter.Bridge for that suggestion. @saneagle Thank you for your suggestions. Perhaps it was a crushed wire in the motor wheel loom not visible on inspection?
  2. TXe-CyclingJon

    Help! Swytch Air (gen3) intermittent running, help request

    Yes, no signs of damage. Wiggle test did not create any difference. If there is an electrical test using a fluke or equivalent test meter, let me know what should be seen on the pins.
  3. TXe-CyclingJon

    Help! Swytch Air (gen3) intermittent running, help request

    tested again, no change to battery levels on the battery or display when the problem shows up. Checked all wires again, no signs of zip tie over tightening. Still can’t get a response out of Swytch. Opened a new ticket just to see if anyone would respond. Silence. Looking at getting a new hub...
  4. TXe-CyclingJon

    Help! Swytch Air (gen3) intermittent running, help request

    Swytch Air (gen 3) kit installed Jan '23 on a Dahon Mu8. Maybe 75 miles on it. This is a 20" wheel. Will not consistently run with or w/o pedal assist. Checked connections and pins, all good. No evidence of corrosion or liquid intrusion. Connections are tight and fully inserted (arrows...