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  1. D

    Help! Nexus shifting problem

    Thank you very much indeed for your help, nealh. Probably going to be Sat or Sun before I get to look into this further, but I'll be sure to report back in due course ...
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    Help! Nexus shifting problem

    It's not the cable. The arm to which the cable attaches at the hub isn't moving back anti-clockwise after an upward gearchange without a good poke on the end of it. I guess sorting this out isn't possibly a DIY job?
  3. D

    Help! Nexus shifting problem

    Ah! I thought they were supposed to align when in the middle gear (in this case 3rd)?
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    Help! Nexus shifting problem

    Yes, that's the plan tomorrow if I get a chance. Are bicycle cable outers usually PTFE (or similar) lined nowdays?
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    Help! Nexus shifting problem

    I have a 2023 Gazelle Grenoble C5HMB with a Nexus 5 rear hub and the usual twistgrip change. The bike's done just over 2600 miles. Every now and then, and for no obvious reason, it decides not to change up. Say I start off in 2nd, pause my pedalling and change to 3rd, nothing will happen...
  6. D

    Gazelle headset adjustment?

    Sorted! Referring to the third picture I posted, I first slackened off the two Allen screws seen at the base of the handlebar clamp thingy, expecting to be able to pull that and the bars off upwards. But no: it didn't want to let me. I then realised that what I had assumed was a plastic...
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    Gazelle headset adjustment?

    Alas, Life has got in the way of my sorting this out. I'll come back to this in due course and report the outcome.
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    Gazelle headset adjustment?

    D'oh! Now why didn't I think of that? S'obvious, innit! GIven that it's a Dutch bike, I bet it does have a "traditional" headset lurking under there. Will investigate tomorrow all being well and report back. Meanwhile, will be off-line until then.
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    Gazelle headset adjustment?

    Well, it would say that, wouldn't it! In the manual for my wife's very similar Gazelle, it also says take it to your dealer to have the belt tensioned, the brake pads changed etc. Looks like I'll be on the phone to the dealer tomorrow with a question ...
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    Gazelle headset adjustment?

    Yes I have. Sorry if I'm being particularly thick this evening, but I'm afraid I don't see your point.
  11. D

    Gazelle headset adjustment?

    We seem to be at cross purposes here. The front suspension adjustment is independent of the headset adjustment. If on my bike I adjust the front suspension (as in the PDF to which you kindly linked) to the point at which it has no play whatsoever i.e. it is locked solid, there is still play...
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    Gazelle headset adjustment?

    Thanks, but section 3.1 of that PDF is concerned with adjustment of the head tube suspension, and as I stated in my OP, the play is in the headset itself - not in the suspension. (Incidentally, adjustment of the suspension is actually no big deal.. It's one of those things that is much harder...
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    Gazelle headset adjustment?

    Thanks flecc. I'm actually familiar with that process, but if you take a peep the the picture I've just posted above, you'll see why I'm scratching my head with this one.
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    Gazelle headset adjustment?

    Sorry. Please see attached snap.
  15. D

    Gazelle headset adjustment?

    Morning all. Pics are of my 2023-model Gazelle Grenoble C5HMB. Can anyone please tell me how to take up a bit of slack in this headset? (The slack is in the headset, btw - not in the monoshock suspension :))
  16. D

    Nexus twistgrip shifter question

    OK ... AFAIK it's always been a bit stiff, so I can now accept that it's how it is. Btw, it's "stiff" when changing down whether or not I pause pedalling, and indeed when stationary with no load on it. Thank you folks.
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    Nexus twistgrip shifter question

    My query was simply that the twistgrip is stiff when rotated "towards me" i.e. when changing down. The actual change is fine.
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    Nexus twistgrip shifter question

    This relates to a Nexus 5 setup on a 2023 Gazelle Grenoble C5HMB. How stiff should the twistgrip be when changing down? Obviously it will need more of a twist going down the gears than up, but mine needs a fair old amount of twisting compared to the 8-speed Nexus on the wife's Batavus (which...
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    Shimano Nexus 5 shifting issue

    Apologies for not getting back to this thread sooner, but adjusting the cable has indeed solved the problem. I blame senile decay ...
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    Shimano Nexus 5 shifting issue

    D'oh! Slaps head and resolves to check this ASAP ...