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  1. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Thanks for the suggestion, it's a great looking bike and is a good ride, he acceleration is awesome! It also has a number of extras and an uprated battery so it cost a fair bit more tan the list price. The issue is, do I lose a few hundred on selling it or spend a few hundred having the...
  2. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Thanks for your comments, can you give me some more details about the eBike shop you refer to?
  3. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    That's great thanks so much.
  4. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Thanks I'll have a look for it.
  5. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Hmmm maybe I'll report this critter to them.
  6. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Thanks for that, your comments make so much sense. It's indeed sad that a supposedly key piece of consumer legislation has no teeth and relies on the goodwill of the retailer to get your rights.
  7. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Well, here we are, the final instalment of my saga: I heard from the lawyer today and, after reviewing all of my correspondence with Wing, I don't have a case. He sites two reasons fr his conclusion: 1) There is nothing in writing to say that I made it clear to Wing that I wanted the bike for...
  8. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Thanks for that, you make a very interesting and logical point. Wing haven't given any indication as to how it can be modified simply that it's "easily done". I have passed your comment, and several others from this forum to my solicitor who is now reviewing the information in order to decide on...
  9. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Thanks for your reply. I'm sceptical of his claims to be able to easily make it road legal. As I said, if that's the case, why didn't he do it before I collected it? I haven't spoken to Trading Standards but I might. The reason being that I had a problem some years back, referred it to them and...
  10. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    P.S. I forgot to add that I'll put up another post and let you know the outcome. Thanks again for your help.
  11. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Well, a lot seems to have been posted here since mylast post. I can only say that my tardiness in replying is due to going on holiday and now in the full throws of having a new kitchen fitted! Anyway, I promised all of those who contributed with advice to my original post an update so, here we...
  12. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Yes, I noticed that and I agree with you. It's all too easy to tempt disqualified drivers with such a solution regardless of the consequences for them if caught.
  13. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Thanks for that, good luck to you. Not a way I'd like to go though.
  14. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    that's the page that I saw yesterday and I agree, that it isn't obvious or clear until you read that page,. As far as I can see, that's the first and only place where the legality is mentioned.
  15. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    thank you, the least I can do is report back for the benefit of others who may get into a similar situation.
  16. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Wow, that's a lot of potential modifications. It does have a motion sensor operated brake light but I can't imagine that meeting the legal requirements. It has none of the other things that you mentioned.
  17. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Thanks for the information, I'll give it some thought once I get this settled.
  18. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Thanks for your reply, it seems that thats the best way to go.
  19. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Thanks for that, it sounds like good advice. It's also reassuring to know that there are some legal duties on the retailer to warn me rather than rely on me reading a tucked away page on his website. My only concern is that there are no witnesses to our conversations so what was said is my word...
  20. T

    Legal Pitfalls

    Thanks for your reply. It's a possibility to go down the same route but I'll see if there are other options first.