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    Wisper 805fe manual

    Thanks David. Will do
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    Wisper 805fe manual

    Hi David. Thanks for this. It's good to know that you are flexible about this and that it won't affect the warranty. I'll take it in to the local shop who look after my mountain bike. Kind regards, Ian.
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    Wisper 805fe manual

    Hi David Many thanks for this. Thanks also for your help before with the charger problem I had - all working fine now. Just another quick question. The 805fe manual says that the spokes need adjusting after 500k for safety. It suggests returning to the dealer. I bought the bike from All...
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    Wisper 805fe manual

    Hi everyone. Does anyone have a manual for the 805/836fe folding Wisper electric bike please? A pdf would be fine. Just a quick note also to say how much I'm enjoying using the bike. It's main use is a daily commute of about 10 miles round trip. The smaller wheels took a bit of getting...