Hi, sorry it’s taken a long time to get back but it’s taken me a long time to find a battery.
I’ve fitted a new battery and the bike now works great.
so it was the battery at fault.
I got the battery from EBay, £160 including a charger.
sold by ysbattery-2012
i ordered it on Thursday and...
Hi, I’ve checked the voltage direct from the battery terminal’s and found the voltage started at 41Vdc and when I used the pedal assist it stayed at 36Vdc and as soon as I put load on the wheel the voltage dropped straight down and the controller dropped out when it reached 14Vdc and then kept...
Hi, noticed that the test button on the battery displays full charge and when the control lights go off the test button when pushed now shows no life. When battery is switched off and back on then the test button when pushed now shows full battery again.
I will try to connect an external volt...
Thanks Nealh
That’s very helpful, I’m not sure where to find the controller. I guess it’s within the battery housing.
I will give it a good look and if I have to try and remove the battery housing I will try that.
Thank you very much for your help.
Regards Lurch
I also took the motor out and checked the continuity from the plug connection to each coil, all reading ok.
Opened the motor case and checked wire connections, all ok.
Hi, I have the very same problem with my elife.
If you or I get it sorted can we update the post please.
I live in Langley, Slough, Berkshire and would love a fellow member who lives nearby who can offer me a try with a known good battery to get in touch.
Hi, I’m 60 and found I needed an electric peddle assist to keep up with the grandkids.
I live in Slough, Berkshire and I’m an electrician.
I found this forum because I am having problems with my elife