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  1. cheesemaker67

    Carrera SRAM Sparc no power to control box

    Thanks Andy and Pete. Pete was right, it's the 16.8v nicd/nimh battery version, so I should be okay with 17v charging voltage. I took a look at the thread, but the links to replacement parts websites were all down. Do either of you know of any parts websites for this bike that still exist by...
  2. cheesemaker67

    Carrera SRAM Sparc no power to control box

    Hi Andy, Thanks for the reply. I've taken the cover off the battery box and measured the voltage on the circuit board within it. It's showing the battery at 15.38v (it's dropped since I charged it) and the same at the output point of the circuit board. One thing I should have pointed out is...
  3. cheesemaker67

    Carrera SRAM Sparc no power to control box

    Hi all, I've just been gifted a Carrera SRAM Sparc (16.8v) and I can't get it working :( The battery is fully charged and all cables are connected, but no power is getting to the jack plug which goes in to the control box. As a result I get no lights on the box itself. Is this a common issue...