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  1. N

    Poor Range on 48 volt Sla

    Thanks everyone. I am using these batteries: POWERLINE 12v 12ah I am afraid I don't know the Max Amp of the controller. Nor do I know how many amps my batteries are actually pushing as my voltmeter thing is not working. I was refering to the ampage of the fuse when I said 30amp. So I...
  2. N

    Poor Range on 48 volt Sla

    I am using a 48volt 800watt motor kit, simple twist throttle- controller- hub motor set up. And have 4x12 volt SLA's wired in series. They are new batteries. I have two problems with it so far. 1.It is frequently blowing or melting the fuses I put in, but at completely random times. The fuses...