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  1. G

    Review of Argos £245 E-move folder

    My e-move folder was delivered efficiently this morning after a number of messages from the delivery people at Argos, informing me of when to expect them. 10/10 for communication and an efficient service. The large cardboard box in my hallway at Newcastle. Very securely packed and well...
  2. G

    Why Lithium Batteries Work - detailed explanation

    This video might be worth a look if you want to understand why and how your battery works.
  3. G

    Nylon Gears in Ebike motors. Why?

    Is there some important technical reason why companies like Bafang use a nylon gear in the BBS01 for the first stage gear reduction system between the rotor and the rest of the drive system? Or is it just a matter of cost cutting? I know there are other nylon gears in hub gears too. It seems...
  4. G

    Has anybody got direct experience of LiFePO4 batteries on ebikes?

    Just curious about the advantage of potentially a few thousand charge cycles offered by that technology and negligible fire risk set against lower capacity. Has anyone had direct experience in recent times. I read somewhere that NielS had used them some long time ago. I looked around a bit...
  5. G

    E-bike journeys and pictures around the South Tyne Valley

    South Tyne on a cloudy June afternoon near Melkridge and Bardon Mill.
  6. G

    How much battery sag is too much for a 3 year old battery?

    My bafang BBS01 has spent more time in the garage than on the road over the last three years. It has done about 2000 miles and has been kept charged when not in use. Now that I have tinkered with the firmware settings so I can get easy access to higher power levels in my hilly location, I am...