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    What's wrong with this?

    Is this right? "If all Li-ion were replaced with LiFePO4 ebike fires would cease." Figures here suggest that the space for a 500Wh Li-ion battery would hold about 450Wh of LiFePO4.
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    Bosch Powertube batteries with various sockets

    Someone posted not long ago showing pics of their old battery and its similarly specced replacement but the sockets were incompatible. If anyone can point me to that thread I'd be really grateful, I've done a looong search.
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    Would fast charging make much difference?

    I like this idea by @mr_ed that I've lifted from another thread: "Similarly with fast-charging.... I don't think it has to shorten battery life or cause fires. It works ok for Tesla where they can recharge something like 50% in 20 minutes. If I could do that on my e-bike I could carry a much...
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    Are you going to Spezi?

    If you'd like someone to share driving and costs - I lived, drove and spoke EU for some years - or you'd simply like to meet up for a coffee, then drop me a line.
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    How do you buy a used bike when...

    ...the seller isn't confident? I've a hunch it'll be based on escrow or Fox-Goat-Cabbage / atomic swap. This one's through Ebay, I've 100% FB and not had this problem before. Seller wants Ebay's security code up front "in order to hand over the bike" and I've a feeling they'll want cash...