Search results

  1. Benjahmin

    Easier Gear Shifter

    As I progress further into old gitness, I am suffering arthritic pain in my left thumb. This is making going up the gears on my front (left) changer very painful. I seem to remember I once had a changer that was finger pull on both triggers, rather than thumb push on both. I've tried looking...
  2. Benjahmin

    Help! Freewheel axle

    I have a recumbent that I need to sell. it currently has an AKM rear hub but I want to return it to analogue to sell it. So I am looking for a freewheel (7 speed) hub, so I can build a 26" wheel around it, to return the bike to standaed for sale. Every time I search for freewheel hubs I am...
  3. Benjahmin

    Lithium - so called - generators

    Having just lived through a 72hour+ powercut I am looking at portable batteries, possibly self charging i.e. solar. We were on the edge of loosing two freezers full of summer garden produce and a whole locally bought lamb. Juries still out as to whether anything is actually ruined. As I...
  4. Benjahmin

    Samsung silver battery

    This may be old news, but I've only just come across it. The link is to an investment report but contains some interesting technical figures. It claims that a 600 mile range, 20 year battery life and 9 minute charge are what's being tilted at.:oops: To achieve this we would have to see 600Kw...
  5. Benjahmin

    Well here's a turn up for the books More mealy mouthed safety words from the welsh assembly. The welsh traffic sign industry must have made a packet form all the extra signs.
  6. Benjahmin

    4G routers

    My isp is about to put up my charges by a massive 33.3% on top of the spring increase. Given this and the upcoming hooha of digital changeover (which seems to go awry a lot of the time) and loss of landline anyway, I am investigating 4G routers. I have come across this plug and play kit from a...
  7. Benjahmin

    Woosh Big Bear Bottom bracket

    The bottom bracket on my wife's 2014 Big Bear LS is making cracking sounds. I'm guessing it needs replacing. The spec tells me it's a cartridge type. I've never done a bottom bracket before so any help/info would be much appreciated.
  8. Benjahmin

    Dual voltage

    When i bought the recumbent it came with an orrible Dillenger 48v kit - that's gone. Fitted an AKM 128 with a dual voltage KT and lcd5. So I can now use the original underslung 48v battery, but I've also mounted a din rail to take my 36v rack battery. So if using up the 48v (range is not great)...
  9. Benjahmin

    Battery deconstruction.

    I have a block of 18650's that were returned to me after my last recell. They are just sitting on a shelf as there's nowhere local that will accept them for recycle. I've even tried enquiring with distant companies but transport becomes an issue. So I'm stuck with this thing. I'd like to use...
  10. Benjahmin

    Help! LCD3 settings

    Just getting the recumbent out and ready for some summer riding. It has an AKM128cst, T09S controller and LCD3. For now I'm going to run it with the Dillinger 48v 11.5Ah battery it originally came with (might as well use it up). I have most things set and bike seems to rum well, but struggling...
  11. Benjahmin

    Windows 10 pop ups

    Does anyone know how to defeat those bloody annoying po ups in the bottom right corner of windows 10? Some times my mouse passes over the area and the click bait pop up appears interupting what I'm actually doing. Occaisionally it just won't close and I have to reboot the laptop. Only...
  12. Benjahmin

    Steet machine Suspension fork help

    I have 20" Meks front forks on my recumbent. They feel stiff and will only return to full length when the weight is lifted off them. Anyone know about these forks? Found service info for other forks but not these. Are they all the same? Tried adjusting preload and fast/slow but to no avail. I...
  13. Benjahmin

    Return to the bent!

    I had to put the conversion of my Velotechnic street machine on hold for a while, but now I'm back. I bought the bike with an existing 48v Dillinger kit that has got to go. The motor does not like hills and the battery is getting hammered, it may be past it's best anyway. I have two 36v...
  14. Benjahmin

    Help! Street Machine GT conversion

    I'm struggling here. I want to get rid of the Dillinger kit on this bike but am struggling to find supplies. So, here's what I'm looking for: Rear wheel hub, cassette or free wheel, don't mind, currently has a 7 speed fitted. 26" wheel. 9 or 12 Fet controller (there's a lot of hills around...
  15. Benjahmin

    I've only gorn and dunnit !

    I've been searching for a particular bike for about 4 years. In a post around 3 weeks ago, someone mentioned a recumbent they had bought. Out of curiosity I googled it to see what it was like. Up came e-bay and lo and behold the 3rd picture along was the bike I'd been looking for...
  16. Benjahmin

    Charger Voltage

    I have two chargers, both with 3 pin xlr charge plugs. One is a substantial metal cased 4A one (supplied with eezi kit) that has a good fan. The other is a YZPOWER 2A charger with mini fan. Both measure 41.7v output. I thought it might be my meter but my wifes charger (supplied with Big Bear)...
  17. Benjahmin

    Investigating Lithium battery generators

    Given the increasing possibility of power outages this winter, and possibly beyond, I have decided to start looking at some sort of power backup so I don't loose all the lovely garden produce I've managed to freeze this summer. Firstly, I'm aware that these things are mis-named in that they are...
  18. Benjahmin


    I'm refurbing a bike for my daughter. It has a front hub fitted with a 7A controller, 15A max. Looking for a rear rack battery preferably with a rack but can fit to existing rack. Found this Yosepower one. States 20A max discharge but doesn't state cell name apart from saying they are 18650...
  19. Benjahmin

    Rack Battery

    I'm re-furbing a bike as a commuter for my daughter. It has an old, but capable, Panda (remember them?) front hub kit on it. It has no battery at the mo, so I need a rear rack battery to fit a 700c wheel size. It's a small 250w hub, basic led display. I think the controller is max 17A...
  20. Benjahmin

    Woosh Anyone stripped down an 8Fun?

    The wife's Big Bear has developed an intermittant, but increasing, loud 'clack'. Forks and top bearing seem fine and, when riding alongside, the sound appears to be coming from the motor. Assuming that it's bearings, I've got this far: Removing the three central screws doesn't seem to get me...