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  1. J

    Upgrading a Carrera Vengeance E spec - what options do I have?

    yeah, sorry. . . .hold my hands up to that one........the bike I bought was a write-off, rats nest wiring, hacked up controller, and a wrecked motor.......given the price of a new wheel I had to assess all options. . . .the frame and battery alone cost me £320.....I've done the whole halfords...
  2. J

    Upgrading a Carrera Vengeance E spec - what options do I have?

    I'm using a braintree s866, you can get it with or without display-they seem to be the go-to. . . . .all that's used on mine is the 3 phase lines and hall sensors-no torque sensor, no speed sensor wire or anything like that-just the throttle, it's childs play.......I've got a wheel mounted...
  3. J

    Upgrading a Carrera Vengeance E spec - what options do I have?

    Believe it or not, these wheels actually work with a £25 amazon controller, a bit more expensive with the display......I've done mine due to speed sensor being bust on the inside of the hub.....not sure about the derestricting but youtube will be the one for that-my point is that these things...
  4. J

    Nightmare HESC motor stopper and the simplest of fixes !

    Had a ton of issues with an E-spec as described in my 1st post. Trying to source the motor stopper was a complete nightmare, the lug had snapped my thinking cap out and decided to try a home made double-sided torque washer from an old chunky imperial nut...... Works a bloody...
  5. J

    Suntour HESC Hub Motor Bearing Change

    OK, so update time. . . .got motor going, reassembled it out of sheer boredom and got a bit of play on it then it seemed to ease off a bit until it rolls back OK......with the motor being locked initially, the motor stopper and torque spacer have both snapped, which is presumably their job to...
  6. J

    Suntour HESC Hub Motor Bearing Change

    electrically the wheel's fine, it works with a throttle and 20 quid amazon controller-goes like the clappers. . . . .it's when I reassemble the thing-it's like am crushing something.
  7. J

    Suntour HESC Hub Motor Bearing Change

    Right, quick update. . . . .it would appear that when I take the planetary gears out-the thing spins like a dream both ways. . . . .it drives like a brand new bike, to the extent I've put a mid-drive on my shopping list. I thought it was a bearing in the hub etc. but obviously not-it's got me...
  8. J

    Hesc suntour planetary gears.

    Resin might do it-ABS is naughty for a multitude of reasons (mainly toxic fumes in production). . . . .PLA will melt/explode the minute they try to engage.......I thought the same yesterday when I was looking to make a spacer. On the plus side, I know my smoke alarms work!
  9. J

    Suntour HESC Hub Motor Bearing Change

    As promised, teardown photos.......might help someone
  10. J

    Suntour HESC Hub Motor Bearing Change

    I photographed it as I was stripping it, excuse the crappy quality and the light. . . . .most of it was done at silly o'clock in the morning ! Thanks, this one's there. . .it's the black inner ring at the other end I appear to be missing-where the axle locks into the casing....will strip it...
  11. J

    Suntour HESC Hub Motor Bearing Change

    Hi, I'm rebuilding my hub after someone else completely bodged it. . . .my intro post will explain !, the cable end of the casing, is there meant to be a bearing in there ? the guy from Halfords says no but I've got a niggling feeling it won't budge when you try and roll it...
  12. J

    Carrera. . . . .

    Hello folks, new so take it easy:) Made the monumental mistake of A: Buying a Carrera E-spec, and B: Buying it off Gumtree. . . .came minus battery-they seem to sell well on their own no problems. Everything so far has been an absolute nightmare-even to the point of considering ordering a new...