Search results for query: pendleton battery not charging

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  1. Sturmey

    Pendleton Somerby Ebike Battery

    I am a little familiar with that bike. But some more detail. Normally, the charger plugs in and the red light comes up on charger to indicate battery is charging. After a period of time (about 4 to 5 hours max), the light turns green to indicate battery charged. The charger also gets a little...
  2. rower

    Btwin Elops 900E low frame Dutch bike - >600km and loving it - £999 but £62 tyre upgrade recommended

    Introduction I bought this bike last October with an aim to nearly eliminate my car use except on proper trips, even in howling winds and rain. Knowing that just trying to use a normal bike would have me reaching for the car keys at least every one morning in three (particularly to get to...