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  1. S

    Spoke Calculations

    Sorry 1 cross
  2. S

    Spoke Calculations

    Thank you. That is absolutely brilliant. It makes it all seem a lot more simple. Could someone just check my calculations please? I have Flange Spacing of 46mm Pitch Circle Diameter of holes is 145mm ERD measured is 525mm + 5mm is 530mm The calculator I used gives 198.4mm left and 198.6mm right.
  3. S

    Spoke Calculations

    I'm after a bit of help. I need to calculate spoke lengths but am unsure what to put into the online calculators. I have a bafang bfswx02 36v 250w motor and a 26" Powercircle rim. Sorry if this should be obvious. I've done plenty of searching online but managed to tie myself up in knots.