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  1. T

    MAN's or GIRLY bike?

    A lady living opposite me once solved this problem on her school run, for which she used her husband's bike while her husband used the family car, by having a hefty chunk of tree trunk just off the side of her drive which she could use as a mounting block. I always very much admired this...
  2. T

    Prospective purchasers

    Just so, Paul. Running a car certainly keeps many of us poor. But of course an ebike can never absolutely replace a car. There are also plenty of people who cannot afford to run a car and for such people an electric bicycle would be an enormous boon - if only they could afford the batteries. I...
  3. T

    Better batteries

    And a marvelously reassuring thing it is too. Not that I do much after dark or ever shall. I wonder if it is a condenser? I would rather suspect a small battery of some sort. Does anyone know?
  4. T

    Prospective purchasers

    Very true,Flecc. Luckily I've always preferred matt papers, and one can sometimes pick up bargains keeping one's eyes opened. 7dayshop do a good one quite reasonably priced. Longer ago than I care to think I used to be quite a keen carbro man and sometimes long for the glorious papers that...
  5. T

    Prospective purchasers

    Quite so, Flecc, and regrettably so in my view. I rather believe that honest salemanship, while it may inhibit immediate sales, brings future rewards as people feel they can trust the process. But I may be impractical and naive in such a belief. The examples that you mention do tend to involve...
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    Better batteries

    I have one of these new fangled wind up torches. One twirls a handle for a minute and has half an hour of quite decent light from an LED. I can't believe that any sort of battery is involved and rather think that some sort of condenser must be the storage item. If so it seems quite a condenser...
  7. T

    Prospective purchasers

    I stand corrected, Flecc and am rather ashamed that I didn't find that page when I was looking - and I did look quite carefully. I sometimes wonder at myself - never mind what my wife tells me she wonders about me!! My impression was - and to tell the truth still is - that battery information...
  8. T

    Prospective purchasers

    I feel rather strongly that the cost of a new battery and its expected life ought to be made clear in 50cycles adverts. Few people can really be aware (or understand) how this item will cost them more than £300 after just a few years at the most. There seems to exist a real conspiracy of silence...
  9. T

    Two Part Agattu Mudguard

    Looking at my Agattu I can see that this is a weak point although I would not have noticed without this thread. I wouldn't expect vibration to cause problems myself, but can see that a knock might well - and a rear mudguard might easily get such a knock. I've been wondering vaguely about doing...
  10. T

    Girly bike!

    What a source of learning you are, Flecc! I had no idea that tyres could be coloured in that way. Is the carbon black just for colouring or does is serve as a friction lowering agent as well? The pink bike sounds rather wonderful in a weird sort of way!! :confused:
  11. T

    Please can I have one for Christmas?

    I must confess I hate both the look and the thought of the thing! I'll choose something else for Christmas.
  12. T

    Girly bike!

    I was pleasantly amused in town this morning to see an elderly lady (though young at heart) ride past. Her bike tires were - wait for it - PINK!! I had no idea such things existed!
  13. T

    Wait, Wait, Wait

    Kerbs can be a real menace. I push up them nowadays! Years ago I lived in a town that had rail tracks along a route I had to take. I've never known anything so lethal for bikes as these. They were the very devil, and the number of times I came off, even when trying to take care is past belief!
  14. T

    Wait, Wait, Wait

    You sum it up well, Kenny. I was sticking an oar in to suggest to those who are no longer bothered about their "image" that in fact the step through has large advantages of convenience without sacrificing very much efficiency at all. I wonder if anyone will agree with me that it is actually...
  15. T

    Wait, Wait, Wait

    It certainly does and also must be stiffer than the step through I suppose. But that said I believe myself that the step through is the better option. It is just so practical, and the stiffness is such that I'm sure elaborate equipment would be needed to measure the difference. I would actually...
  16. T

    Agattu first impressions

    Decidedly odd. And for once Sod's Law has missed a point since I rather prefer not having the extra and, for me, unused complication of the light sensor.
  17. T

    Agattu first impressions

    I have a feeling that I too prefer this so I'm lucky. It isn't in any sense a faulty switch as the two positions are marked on and off beside the switch. It's a far cry from my first dynamo proudly owned just after the war - a Sunbeam I remember. It took me about half an hour to get the front...
  18. T

    Agattu first impressions

    No - just the two positions on and off. I've just been out to check once again and there is no doubt at all about it. Were there the three on your test bike, Flecc? Not a great matter as after all switching on after dark isn't hard, but rather strange perhaps that mine should be different.
  19. T

    Agattu first impressions

    My Agattu just has two switch positions which are on and off. Am I missing something? An auto setting would be useful and I would certainly use it if I have it.
  20. T

    Good idea for ebikes?

    I think so too - and it is a holiday making area so many hirers are likely to be holidaymakers doing something a little different. I can almost believe that some are likely to be rather smitten by the experience and at least more likely to go home and look into ebikes.