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  1. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Men should be banned from being outdoors after 6pm to 'make women a lot safer' after the abduction and suspected murder of Sarah Everard in London, a Green Party peer has suggested. Baroness Jones made the comment in a discussion in the House of Lords. This idiot should be taken to a place of...
  2. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I think we may be in agreement. It has happened before, unless you disagree?
  3. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It may be absurd when viewing from the perspective of a Leprechaun. A Leprechaun is absurd when viewing from my perspective.
  4. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    All part of the service. I’m not happy until your not happy. That’s my strap-line:D
  5. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I’ve seen the crown. It’s easy viewing. There’s no necessity to think. The colour I was thinking about is all the pomp & ceremony. It’s similar to what I imagine a Disney park is like (never been to one and never will), only done more tastefully.
  6. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    You’ve really lost it now dude :D You need to take your head to be looked at. Someone needs to cast an eye over OG’s head too, so perhaps if you take his with you when you have yours looked at, you might get a discount for two. Got to be worth a try? The British monarchy is magnificent, the...
  7. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    The Royal Family should not have offered any response. The entire interview with Ginger & Minger consisted of fabricated stories lacking in evidence. The interview was a non-event, a zero, a nothing. The response from the Palace should be the same.
  8. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    He should, especially because I’m a beneficiary in the hamster’s will.
  9. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Good, you should be.
  10. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    My hamster, which died in 1967, is more capable and useful than Dildo Harding.
  11. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I agree regarding the film, it’s a hideous obscenity. The success, so far, of the vaccine rollout has nothing to do with the government, that’s why it’s going well.
  12. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Booking online is quicker. I did it as soon as my age group became eligible on Saturday. Got a letter yesterday and text from GP today inviting me for vaccination. Online has saved at least six days.
  13. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Nice to see an optimistic outlook :D
  14. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Get online, or if that fails, the phone to your GP surgery. Do something positive to help yourself instead of sitting on this thread tearing everything down. There is some good stuff happening out there.
  15. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I can only speak from personal experience. I went online, discovered that I was eligible, booked the first jab. Simple. I was then asked if I wanted to book the second vaccination, which I did. Bingo, 8 weeks later. That’s pretty faultless. I can one assume there is a variation between NHS...
  16. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I get my first jab tomorrow, second already booked for 8 weeks later. I did the whole lot online Saturday morning. Very slick & efficient booking system. Absolutely faultless. Get yourself online and give them some ****, you can even get the Internet on computers these days.
  17. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    If you aren’t the onky one, who is? I was convinced that it was you.
  18. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I can’t see how that could happen. Incidentally, Bell is a strong supporter of delaying the second vaccination dose.
  19. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I honestly think your concerns are over nothing. There is no doubt the delay was / is a partial step into the unknown. But I’m convinced that the risks and the benefits have been properly weighed up and the correct decisions made on this occasion. The U.K. has made enough mistakes so far during...
  20. Jesus H Christ

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I’ve got an Apple Watch if that’s what you mean. It’s ace as a smart watch, but absolute shite as a sports watch. Garmin have the sports market nailed.