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    ebike insurance for conversions

    Such ignorance of the law, even from an insurance company: 1. Legal Pedelecs are legally allowed to go faster than 15.5mph but NOT WITH electrical assist. 2. Motor Power - should be limited to max continuous power of 250w - peak powers in excess of this are not deemed illeagal as an...
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    What size rims Neil and what spoke pattern - 1x, 2x 3x? Cheers. @Leedspete -what wheel size and spoke pattern and who built/supplied the wheel you're having problems with?
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    Aldi bike stand £29.99 Thurs 20th April

    I bought one of those some 8 years ago and use it mainly for gear indexing - it's not perfect in terms of clamping so I simply hook the saddle over the clamp arm and use a toes strap to anchor the front wheel to one of the tripod arms. The tripod is kept outside in all weathers and still...
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    TSD2 range ?!

    @Simon Knight - I've used clamp meters for various AC voltage/current measuring uses and to get an accurate, consistent and reliable reading, the single wire passing through the measuring ring needs to be held steady and more or less in the middle of the ring. I borrowed a friend's clamp...
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    TSD2 range ?!

    I use the VLCD6 display which only has a 4 segment voltage display and I tried several times via OSF to change the segment change points to give what I hoped would be a more proportionate indication of remaining battery charge, but without success. So basically I now ignore the display totally...
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    Swytch bike problems

    including on our forum's Home Page! That's what money does to editoral integrity!!!
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    Swytch bike problems

    oh dear me - more sad stories of poor Swytch CS - a mate of mine on the recommendation of a family member ordered two Swytch kits which took something in excess of 6 months to arrive (and the kits didn't arrive all in the same delivery either with weeks betwen them). Fortunately the kits work...
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    New to Pedelecs

    Welcome to the forum @Andy Taylor - in your hunt for like minded souls, have you considered joining Cycling UK? In my neck of the woods our local Cycling UK (aka Portsmouth CTC) has a large membership whose age profile is definitely towards the upper age quartile shall we say, and a good number...
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    TSD2 range ?!

    When I first read the above, I was not in agreement with it at all but I then read further (and more than once) and the bit that says: had me re-thinking it all and coming round to agreeing with what you say. Within OSF you can change the voltage thresholds for the bar indicators which I...
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    PSWPower Delivery Problems anyone - resolved

    He's got the TSDZ2'B' - I've just helped him install it but left him to run/tie wrap all the cables. He'll be bringing it over for me to tweek the derailleur gear shifting in the next couple of days - I'll see if I can remember to stick a volt meter in the speedo cable to see if the controller...
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    PSWPower Delivery Problems anyone - resolved

    Edit - Problem resolved - item arrived today unexptedly - just a glitch in their admin I guess April 2023 - my mate ordered at TSDZ2B from PSWPower over a week ago but no delivery notice as yet. They did email them and the response sort of indicated that they'd get onto (as in maybe...
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    TSD2 range ?!

    Yes, a weak area as I found out on a friend's TSDZ2 (my post on this is HERE). Personally I'd recommend a frequent inspection of this area if you are often going through deep puddles.
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    Help! Would like have a professional consultant please

    Er, not wishing to pick holes but just in case someone thinks their car battery is not charging properly, a 12v lead acid car battery when fully charge is around 12.9v The alternator when charging puts out around 14.5v and if you measure the battery voltage just after a 'run', it will show this...
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    TSD2 range ?!

    @Simon Knight and @Bogmonster666 - you guys are getting great ranges out of your batteries which I'd think is mainly down to the max assist speed being set to 25kph (15.6mph) and you spending a good amount of time riding faster than that. I friend of mine has a Fazua fitted bike with a 250Wh...
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    TSD2 range ?!

    I'm not sure I understand what you are saying? AFAIK the controller has a design maximum current of 15 amps and I would expect the OEM firmware to stop the current going beyond this limit especially on a motor designated as 250w, unless you know otherwise of course? If Open Source Firmware is...
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    TSD2 range ?!

    So if you do get a power meter, you can take it's use further by creating a dummy load to discharge a fully charged battery into. If you do this periodically then you'll gain an appreciation of battery performance over time as any battery only has a finite number of charge/discharge cycles. If...
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    TSD2 range ?!

    Going back to range estimation: the LCD battery bar indicators on the VLCD5/VLCD6 are at best a guestimate. This is largely due to the voltage/discharge characteristics of Li-Ion batteries in that there is a very small difference in battery voltage between the 90% charged to 10% charged level...
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    Woosh rambletta and ribble cgr al e

    Every bicycle tire I've ever had or seen has the acceptable rang of tire pressures written on the side wall.
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    Has anyone heard of or tried Toseven mid drive?

    I'm not one to spin at a high cadence but as I understand it the OEM firmware cuts assistance around 90rpm but the OSF takes it to around 120rpm. Jbalatutube on YT has a vid demonstrating this.
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    TSDZ2 Blue Gear Grease - which one?

    Thanls for all the comments and contributions to my original post and one thing I've learnt is that I know naff all chemistry, oils and lubricants. I mean, I would never have been concerned about putting good old general purpose grease on the Blue Gear if I'd not had anything else to hand. Then...