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  1. C

    PAS or Controller problem

    Never mind, I just needed to swap the signal and power wires on the side of the sensor. Now it works! Huge thanks to everyone!
  2. C

    PAS or Controller problem

    Hello again. So, I’ve received my new controller but it didn’t solve the problem. Right now the controller is connected to the battery. The motor is connected to controller. Green wire to green. Yellow to yellow. Blue to purple-ish blue PAS sensor is also connected. For some reason PAS on this...
  3. C

    PAS or Controller problem

    Huge thanks!
  4. C

    PAS or Controller problem

    By the way. When you say “Blow”, do you mean it literally? Because I have 7 regulators on my board and none of them look damaged. Also, in case if I’ll decide to try repairing this board, how can I find the regulator I need to replace?
  5. C

    PAS or Controller problem

    Yes, I disconnected every cable except for the battery and the panel on my handlebars. Actually, I want to learn the basics of soldering, but I don’t think this situation is appropriate. Anyways, I’ve ordered the controller, it should arrive at Monday and then we’ll see.
  6. C

    PAS or Controller problem

    Looks like I won’t be able to replace the regulator and will have to buy a new controller. And when I’ll get it, what should I try next? I’ll be able to tell which controller wires correspond to 5v, ground and signal. But how can I find out the correct way to connect the sensor wires without...
  7. C

    PAS or Controller problem

    Sadly, when I tried plugging in the sensor as it was it just refused to work. Then I found threads of people with the same problem, and this message: “Alternatively, you can try the wires in all six combinations until you get the one that works, starting with red to red, black to yellow and blue...
  8. C

    PAS or Controller problem

    Thanks a lot! Most likely I really did something stupid. Following your instructions I found the ground, it’s the black cable. But after disconnecting everything, something interesting happened. Now the red wire reads as 1.08v and the yellow one as 0.95v. I guess, it means my regulator is blown...
  9. C

    PAS or Controller problem

    Hello everyone! A few days ago my E-bike stopped pedal assisting. The model is Wayscral City 415, it’s a cheap Chinese E-bike, but it’s just 1 year old. What have I already tried: 1. Tested the voltage of my battery - it’s 40v. Should be 36v, so I guess it okay. 2. Tested the continuity of...