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  1. M

    Giant Owners, (and little ones!)

    Hi Flecc, The link for re-celling doesn't work. How can I get to view it? regards Mikecsboats
  2. M

    Holiday cycling

    Egyptian bicycles et al Oh dear, Ian. As a mainstream archeologist, I know I shoudn't get involved with this, but I have to point out that the alleged battery was found in Mesopotamia, and was in the Baghdad museum. I wonder where it is now. And the wheel was unknown in Egypt until the Hyksos...
  3. M

    Holiday cycling

    Well, it doesn't look promising, and I wouldn't want to bring the plane down. Looks as though I shall have to put up with the motorcycle. Thanks to everyone, but the short answer seems to be that no one has actually travelled by air with a bike. Perhaps I can find a dealer in Cairo - there is no...
  4. M

    Holiday cycling

    Hi, First time I have ventured into print, although I have been reading the threads for some time. My situation is that I am currently abroad, returning to the UK in April. At 75 I have decided to give up driving, or rather to hire if I need to, as I spend the winter abroad, in Luxor. So I have...