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  1. Punk4life999

    S866 password

    I have tried holding the middle button for 10 seconds also tried it holding the top 2 buttons. Both just returned to 4 -, the LCD doesn't power off a majority of the time when I hold down the middle button which is why I am wondering if it's duff
  2. Punk4life999

    S866 password

    No joy with any of them, starting to think I might have a duff LCD display because I can't remember ever setting a password in the first place
  3. Punk4life999

    S866 password

    Cheers I will give them a try
  4. Punk4life999

    S866 password

    Already tried those ones it just keeps going back to 4 -
  5. Punk4life999

    S866 password

    I have a S866 LCD display and when I turn it on it wants a password, I have tried to use the default password in the manual 3745 but no joy. Can anyone help me out please? Cheers