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  1. C

    Tyre rotation direction

    Of course it depends on the type of your tire but it may affect on your ride speed and comfort. Your tire can be a symmetric tire and still having a rotation it's for user to know how to put the used tire to be worn in the same direction.
  2. C

    hidden throttle gas needed?

    Hi guys, during this time when I'm waiting for the rest of the parts to be delivered I'm thinking what can I do to be safe during random police control and having throttle on the board. It is illegal here at Netherlands where I live for now but it doesn't really matter because for the rest of...
  3. C

    Throttle plus PAS shorted = error 10

    Oh ok, looks similar. I'm gonna check what I need to order once I get in there. By the part number I will figure out. Thanks guys for make the things brighter for me!
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    Throttle plus PAS shorted = error 10

    As I said before. I have stock controller + display and another pair which i bought from Internet. Both of them are showing errors and before were working totally fine. The only same part which I use is battery and motor. Battery has own BMS so I guess it's ok but motor reports error 10 and the...
  5. C

    Throttle plus PAS shorted = error 10

    No needed picture, I understand for now every connection which I make and as @saneagle and you @AGS say it's gonna be the 5v regulator broken. I noticed that they are also inside of motor. Probably I'm gonna do same operation as the guy here on YouTube if I'll get all the parts and tools needed.
  6. C

    Throttle plus PAS shorted = error 10

    Multimeter is on the way. I ordered from ali few days ago so I'll wait untill it will arrive here. By the way is it normal that display shows 41 volts used if my battery is 36v? I don't think so? Now I realised that I connect the self learning wire that time when I connect PAS + throttle. Maybe...
  7. C

    Throttle plus PAS shorted = error 10

    The 5v regulator is in the engine also? Because I check already with stock controller together with stock display and it's not working. That means i bricked engine somehow but cannot check what's inside. Need to get extended key, somebody put the pegs before the nut goes
  8. C

    Throttle plus PAS shorted = error 10

    Hi guys, due to poor english used in instruction delivered with controller I've been fighting a lot to get to work the gas throttle. I get it to work after few hours but then the pas stopped to work. I knew that it was working before at the same plug as throttle so I had an genius idea to...